Tough Enough
"All things being equal for two teams in an American football contest, the club with the better quarterback generally wins."
--William Shakespeare
Forget the past folks. This team only knows how to win. There's no need to pace around the living room, sweating it out. If you control the line of scrimmage and you have a gunslinger at the QB position, the result is never in question. But it's KU football, you say. Damn straight -- it's KU football and we're 7-0. We control the north and we're eating up conference road wins (three of four and two straight, my man). Get used to it and enjoy the game next Saturday night. The quarterback from Austin is going back to play his first game in Texas and we all know he's got a little something to prove. So does KU. The south hasn't gotten the message yet. They will.
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From Leawood
It's interesting how quickly the entire team/program has taken on the "balls out" attitude of Todd Reesing. Nothing clarified that more than James McClinton trying to lateral the ball in a clear fall on the ground situation. McClinton wanted more. Sometimes it gets you in trouble, but it's the attitude that gets you wins.
If Scott Webb can make it from 48 yards with one step, what's his range with two or three? 65 yards?
If Kyle Tucker doesn't snag that high snap it looks like it would have landed about 60 yards behind the line of scrimmage.
When Todd Reesing rambled for 53 yards, the CU defense had to have a "What is it with this guy?" moment.
I'm surprised Dezmon Briscoe got shut out. Maybe it was a delayed SI curse. Wait -- KU is officially immune to all curses. Must have just been good coverage by CU.
Delay of game on the defense? Okay. Plus, evidently running into the punter is not a penalty at 5000 feet.
Thanks to multiple high definition reviews, the secret is out on one of our linebackers. It's been there all along, but everyone knows now. However, I wouldn't say it's an issue of not understanding assignments or knowing where to be. The speed and knowledge is there, it's really just poor tackling mechanics in the open field. The focus has been a little too much on making the big hit. I believe the talent is there ... just get the job done.
The defensive ends showed improvement. I'm becoming a Jake Laptad fan.
James Holt looked good on ESPN -- 15 tackles!
"We’re going to go out there and stop these guys”
--Bill Young
Article originally appeared on Kansas Football Blog-Rock Chalk Jayhawk-KU (
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