Four More Years of Concrete Hell
It's all over the papers this morning. The Jayhawks and Tigers will battle four more times at Arrowhead stadium (exactly in the middle of nowhere). No word as to whether or not the 2013 game will be played at the Kansas Speedway.
I think the problems with the game at Arrowhead have been pretty much detailed and agreed upon. Still, this was inevitable. We're playing against Texas, OU, Nebraska and A&M in the football world, so this type of event is the only way to make a significant attack in that never-ending war. The number one question I have is why couldn't we sign the deal next week? We've heard all about how they've solved the logistics problems. I'm not so sure. Why not play game two and evaluate before inking another four years?
Here's the thing, it's a money-maker now, but you kind of got a skewed look at the event last year with both teams in the national title hunt and College Game Day on hand. Ultimately, fans will decide this issue. And I think your casual KU fan better be able to feel something positive out of this event pretty soon or attendance in blue could trend quickly to dismal. If a hardcore guy like me has to go through a two-week mental pep talk to get up for this game, then I can't imagine how the bandwagon Jayhawk fans are approaching this.
So I guess ... this may actually come down to the KU football team. They could really bail out Lew on this one, because we'll see tomorrow morning how the players feel about Arrowhead. If they vote yes for Arrowhead with their play, then KU fans will change their attitude in short time.
I should also add that there is one big positive I think we can all cling to -- hey, we may never have to go to Columbia again.
Bill Mayer Lays It Out
Probably one of the better pieces I've read from Bill today on the Arrowhead Border War. Putting the wonderful experience of engaging with real live Mizzou fans into a legitimate print publication is something you don't see everyday. I also liked his take on this:
Little wonder fans scream when the KU-MU-Arrowhead totalitarians give first preference to Kansas City Chiefs season ticket-holders. Why the hell do they deserve such a handout?
Clay Center Correspondent Weighs In
Upon hearing about the Arrowhead extension, our kindly old Hawk Digest correspondent from Clay Center, Kansas decided to announce plans for a new t-shirt line. The shirt says, "I don't want your loyalty, I just want your money."
Just to clarify, this was said in jest. He's no t-shirt maker.