Monday Recycle: Saturday for the Border War -- Open Practice Dates
Monday, March 3, 2008 at 06:45AM
DJ Goodwin in Border War, The Recycler

Saturday Special for Arrowhead War
The KC Star reported last week that the Border War would likely remain on Saturday for 2008. The Big 12 announced a change with Texas A&M/ Texas moving to Thanksgiving Night. I like that move -- pro football on Turkey Day just doesn't do it for me anymore. Keeping KU/MU on Saturday is a no-brainer ... how could you make a change as it was one of the highest rated college football games on TV last season.

ESPN Big 12 Deal
In the same article, the Big 12 and ESPN announced a two-year deal to televise seven Big 12 games per year. The games will be on Thursdays or Saturdays. Saturdays are good, Thursdays ... well, it depends on how your schedule breaks down. Guess I better hold a couple of vacation days in reserve this year.

Open Practices
From -- open spring practices are scheduled for March 14 and April 4. Both practices are at 3:30 p.m. on Friday's on the practice fields next to Hoglund.

NCAA 2009
Voting continues in the contest to get Baby Jay on the cover of NCAA 2009 ...

Article originally appeared on Kansas Football Blog-Rock Chalk Jayhawk-KU (
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