Weekend Scraps: Memorial Stadium, Mack Brown and the FSU President Speaks Out
Florida State President Tells It Like It Is | FSU president T.K. Wetherell laid it all out at the National Football Forum in Grapevine, Texas last week. He called a playoff inevitable and spoke pretty bluntly about what it will come down to -- money. Also, should note that Mark Mangino was on hand for this meeting. Here's an excerpt:
According to Wetherell, schools are happy to stick with the status quo because budgets are padded with money from the 12th game, which was added for the 2006 season.
“We’ll spend all that money. We’re not going to bank it,” Wetherell said. “Then the question will be, `Where do I get me more money?”’
A playoff will be the logical alternative, Wetherell said.
“And the fight won’t be over whether we do it or not anymore,” he said during a break following the session. “The fight’s going to be on the split. It’s going to be a totally different discussion.”
Texas Fans Analyze Mack | There's a massive piece this a.m. from Burnt Orange Nation on Mack Brown. Since they're on the schedule this year and we pretty much always have to keep an eye on the massive beast from the south anyway, it's good to check in and understand what UT fans are thinking. My take from the distant north on Mack Brown and Texas -- yes, he starts from a conservative base, but the big key is that it takes a special kind of coach to organize talent. The kind of talent that UT brings in comes with a lot of individual egos with individual goals. Getting those guys to function as single-minded unit, live and die together for school pride presents a different kind of challenge. A lot of the success KU had last year had to with a buy-in to the concept that if they don't play as a team -- they lose. It'll be interesting to watch Nebraska over the next few years as they consciously move away from talent only type players to more of "school pride" mentality type mix of athletes.
More Reports on Track Removal | A thread on the huddle indicating 42k in season tickets sold sparked a whole lot of message board chatter the track removal. As I mentioned in an earlier post, there is a desire to lower the field to increase the field visibility from the first few rows. In addition, moving the field north closer to the bowl is in the talks as well, but there is the issue of re-ordering the suite holders. Anyway, no further verification on the 42,000 number, but if true, that obviously means a full year of sellouts and this would be the exact right time to have this conversation.
Bonus: Fans Play Architect | Thought I'd go ahead and post a couple of the fan mock-ups of future Memorial Stadium. Both are from the gridiron board. The first one from Brocktoon23 is pretty much my dream vision of Memorial, except for expanding the bowl to full capacity, which you can see in version #2 from ACforPREZ. I prefer the separate structure for the south stands. There's something very pure and clean about the architecture of Memorial as it stands now. So, I'm also opposed to squaring the north bowl -- besides the massive expensive to re-build from scratch, I think you'd lose that coliseum feel.
Brocktoon23 Plan
ACforPREZ Plan
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