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Sound and the Fury: Third Down

Is it acceptable to stand on first and second down for defense or will we always be a third down school?

Two questions there. The first answer is yes and the second is I certainly hope not. It's a tough issue though. I'm still waiting for the Lew Perkin's Select-A-Seat plan that incorporates sections based on age and willingness to stand up and scream for the defense. Every year as KU fans settle into new digs I wait for the inevitable confrontations that can escalate between older fans that either refuse or are unable to stand up for a defensive series and the hardcore blue fans.

Still, there are a lot of able-bodied fans that tend to sit on their hands on first and second down. I'm not sure I get this. You don't have to be a "face-painter" to support the team, but getting up and making noise on defense has an impact on the game. Sometimes it may be subtle and sometimes maybe not. The general idea is to rattle the opponent and we better have our game on as fans next year when Memorial will see a greater share of quality teams. It should be rockin' for every down on defense.

Reader Comments (4)

My personal take on the whole situation is that if you are going to a game, you should plan to stand up. If you would rather the sound to be at a normal level, and people not standing up, then it is better off if you just stay at home and watch it on the big screen. The whole point of going to football games is to make noise, and if we really do want to become a national power, or at least a perennial Big 12 North contender, we are going to have to have an awesome homefield advantage. The louder the fans are, and how often they stand is definitely relevant, the more likely we are to have an awesome homefield advantage.
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterrockchalk
That's the way I've always felt. It's amazing how irritated people can get about this -- sort of an offshoot of select-a-seat, I guess. You used to know the people around you pretty well. The reshuffling shakes things up, but I can't argue with the results win-wise or financially.
June 4, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdj
Hell, this stuff still happens at the Field House. In 2003, at the Texas game, some older guy yelled at me to sit down after Bryant freaking Nash hit the three (and was fouled) to tie it in the second half. He informed me that he had paid for his ticket as well. Good to know.
June 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSlim Intoxicado
That would make a pretty good open thread -- stories about lightweights that always want you to sit down. Mine involves some Nebraska fans during the 1999 near miss.
June 10, 2008 | Registered CommenterDJ Goodwin

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